Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Da-du-da-da, da-du-da...

So… the latest installment of Indiana Jones opens tomorrow. I don’t want to talk too much about it, especially since I – obviously – haven’t seen it yet, but I feel the need to acknowledge how something from my childhood is being resurrected. I know I will see it in the theaters, but I have mixed feelings about it. I mean, it’s been NINETEEN years since The Last Crusade and out of the three flicks, it’s by far my favorite. In fact, it would be in my Top 5 movies of all time.

I just loved Indy 3 for a few simple reasons… First, I saw it in the theater with my Dad. Now that Dad is gone, I feel that something will be lacking when I go to the theater. Second, the chemistry between Harrison Ford and Sean Connery. Really, I know there’s only 9 years age difference between the two men, so the father-son possibility is impossible in real life, but the banter between the two of them was truly inspired. Finally, Marcus Brody saying, “Follow me, I know the way!” and then riding out of the canyon with the quip, “Didn’t he get lost in his own museum?” right on his heels before they all rode into the sunset... it just gave me the most satisfying end to the franchise.

I thought I had closed that book, not knowing that it was actually only the end of the chapter.

But… They did bring back Karen Allen as Marion Ravenwood. Let me tell you, I have been watching the Indy marathons the past few weekends and while I like Temple of Doom much better than I did back in the day, I still am not the biggest fan of Kate Capshaw’s character, Willie. And while I like Last Crusade best, Elsa is more like background than anything else.

People have been whispering that there are rumors of a cameo by Sean Connery. I am not holding my breath. I mean, we haven’t seen him since League of Extraordinary Gentlemen came out, so I would think any filming of the esteemed Sir Sean would produce not just whisperings, but rumblings.

So, Karen Allen is back. Talk of Sean Connery being back. Can’t bring Denholm Elliott back as Marcus Brody, as he passed away in 1992. Discovering that made me very sad at first, but even though his character was amusing in Last Crusade, it was a vast deviation of how he was portrayed in Raiders.

I wanna know, will Sallah be in it?

But, deep down, I’m sorta, kinda, almost glad that they’re reviving the franchise. And I'm sorta, kinda, almost looking forward to going to see it. In fact, to quote the wise words of my dear friend Sallah, “Oh, my friends. I'm so pleased you're not dead.”

I might even have to get a massively large popcorn. I mean, Dad always did.

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