Tuesday, November 4, 2008

On The Right Side of History?

Not exactly sure why she's using the butt of a pistol to hammer the nail, but it seems as good a use as any for a weapon.

I'll keep my political opinions to myself today -- those who know me know how I'll vote and those who don't... well, I imagine that it's too late to sway you to my camp.

All I will say is that history will be made today and if you can't feel the tangible excitement of the American people, get thee to a voting poll!

As I shared with my Aunt Fran, as I watch CNN, I'm sitting here realizing that if Mom was still around, I have no doubt that she'd go out and vote today. After her strokes, she never went to the polls because of her Crohn's disease and her embarrassment in her inability to read. But I can so imagine her sitting in her wheelchair, clutching a signed voter card in lieu of a current driver's license or state ID, and asking someone to read her the candidates names. And knowing that she'd feel today too an important day to miss, made me want to share my... epiphany, thoughts, imagination?... with you.

And those who knew her would know that the idea of an African-American President probably would reduce her to tears. That the idea of an American that could have changed so drastically in fifty, sixty years would force her to face her demons and cast her ballot because of one man's ability to overcome adversity and unite not only a political party, but the American people. She may not have witnessed any lynchings, but I know Mom was deeply affected by prejudice. And while she did what she could to fight it, this would the her biggest contribution to the cause.

As I said, I won't tell you how to vote, but I will tell you not to skip the long lines at the polls because "one vote won't make a difference." It is our Constitutional right to be heard and dammit, use your voice!

So go vote already!

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