I am one of those people who incessantly fill out, and forward, those "getting to know you" emails that fill your inbox. Probably because I was the one who forwarded it on to you.
I'm not sure why I relish filling out personal information so much, but maybe it's because I think the more you know about someone the stronger your relationship is with that person.
Well, I hit the mother load...
The longest and best getting to know you survey around | |
What's your name?: | Jeanne |
Ever used any other names?: | Jeannie |
Do you have any nicknames?: | Jeannie, Jelibeanne |
Where were you born?: | In a hospital |
Where do you live now?: | In a house |
When were you born?: | On a Friday morning |
What is your sign?: | Stolen |
What is your Chinese zodiac sign?: | Tiger, tiger burning bright |
Are you married/single/divorced/widowed/taken?: | Taken? As in abducted? How awful! But no, married |
Do you have any children?: | Five 4-legged ones |
What are your parents names?: | Legally? I think Joseph and Elizabeth, but they went by Pat and Betty |
Do you have any siblings?: | After me, there was no way they could top perfection |
Are you closer to your Mom or Dad?: | was always close to both of them. More protective of Mom though |
Are your parents still together?: | Uhm... they're in the same plot. Does that count? |
What kind of home do you live in?: | 3-bedroom Ranch |
What are your living arrangements?: | Me, my husband, our five 4-legged children |
Do you have any pets?: | No. They own me |
Do you collect anything?: | Do books and magazines count? |
What do you do for a living?: | The more I think about it, the more philosophical the question actually is... |
How much money do you make in a year?: | No, no... will not fall into that trap. Then people want to borrow money |
What kind of vehicle do you drive?: | A tiny silver Toyota |
What color is your bedroom flooring?: | Uhm... wood color? |
How big is your bed?: | Not big enough for two humans and five 4-legged children |
Do you sleep with any one/thing in the bed with you?: | With my husband to the right and kitties all around |
Do you like thunderstorms?: | I sleep so much better through them, but when awake it's the lightening that fascinates me |
Do you know how to swim?: | Like a fish |
Do you know CPR?: | Not as well as I should |
Would you rather fly, take a bus, take a train, or drive on a trip?: | Flying through a cloud bank is almost a religious experience, but there's nothing like seeing the USA in your Chevrolet! |
When did you graduate from high school?: | Yes |
What high school did you graduate from?: | Lindbergh High |
Do you sing in the shower?: | No often, but I can belt out a mean Janis Joplin |
Do you read on the toilet?: | It's a family tradition started by my grandfather |
Color?: | Green |
Food?: | Not picky, but salmon |
Restaurant?: | Amigo's Cantina in Kirkwood |
Season?: | Fall |
Holiday?: | Not a holiday person |
Animal?: | Dogs |
Clothing item?: | Hoodie from the Biltmore Estate |
Scent?: | The ocean |
Shampoo?: | Whatever is on sale and doesn't test on animals |
Non-alcoholic beverage?: | Sweet tea |
Alcoholic beverage?: | Don't drink much, but amaretto sours bring back fond memories |
Store to shop in?: | Ikea, Target and HomeGoods |
Author?: | Too many to choose |
Actor/actress?: | Benicio del Toro |
Movie?: | Again, too many to choose |
Book?: | White Palace |
Director?: | Kevin Smith |
Musical artist or group?: | Inxs or Nine Inch Nails |
Song?: | "Need You Tonight" since it was sung to me in concert |
Music genre?: | Rock |
Ideal vehicle?: | '68 Chevy Impala |
Sport to watch?: | Football |
Sports team?: | St. Louis Rams and St. Louis Cardinals |
Sport to play?: | Don't often play sports, so we'll keep it low-key... catch |
TV show?: | House or Bones |
Card game?: | Solitare |
Board game?: | Scrabble |
Been arrested?: | No |
Been in jail?: | I've visited historical ones... |
Stolen anything?: | Hearts |
Cheated on someone?: | Yes |
Lied to a friend?: | Yes |
Lied to a relative?: | Yes |
Lied to someone you were in a relationship with?: | Yes |
Killed anything?: | Yes. I worked at an animal shelter |
Hit an animal with your vehicle?: | Yes. |
Called out of work for no reason?: | Yes, but that was forever ago |
Skipped school?: | No. Too afraid of getting caught |
Gone bungeee jumping?: | No |
Gotten a tattoo?: | Many times |
Gotten a piercing?: | Many times |
Been in a fight?: | It's been a long time |
Lost a fight?: | I don't think anybody won |
Done any gambling?: | Slot machines |
Cheated at a game you were playing?: | Does cheating at Solitare count? |
Pretended something was worse than it was for sympathy?: | I am an only child. Of course! |
Made a prank phone call?: | At a fifth grade slumber party |
Been drunk?: | Yes |
Been drunk enough to puke?: | Yes |
Puked on someone?: | I don't think so |
Peed your pants since being an adult?: | I don't think so |
Fainted or passed out?: | Passed out but could still hear everything when I needed to get my reconstructive plastic surgery on my face |
Seen a dead body?: | Yes |
Seen someone die?: | No |
Been in love?: | Yes |
Been married?: | Yes |
Loved someone you couldn't tell?: | Yes |
Fallen for a friend?: | Yes |
Had sex with someone you were not in a relationship with?: | Yes |
Been the person someone cheated on someone else with?: | Yes |
Dumped someone?: | Yes |
Been dumped?: | Yes |
Lost someone you loved?: | Yes |
Cried because your heart was broken?: | Yes |
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: | Yes |
Done something illegal or immoral?: | Yes |
Been high?: | Yes |
Bought drugs?: | No |
Sold drugs?: | No |
Broken something when you were angry?: | Maybe accidentally |
Punched an inanimate object in anger?: | I tried it. Not me. |
Lied about yor age?: | Yes |
Had your license suspended or revoked?: | No |
Been in a car accident?: | Yes |
Gotten a ticket?: | No |
Given a gift "just because"?: | Yes |
Forgotten someone's birthday or your own anniversary?: | Maybe? |
Bounced a check?: | Yes |
Had an overdrawn bank account?: | Yes |
Kissed someone of the same sex?: | Yes |
Age range?: | 5 years younger to 10 years older |
Height?: | My height or taller |
Build?: | Average to thick |
Hair color?: | Matters not |
Hair style?: | Long |
Eye color?: | Matters not |
Religious preference?: | Technically Catholic, but have become very disillusioned and right now consider myself more spiritual than religious |
Political affiliation?: | Liberal |
Ever worn glasses, contacts, or braces?: | Yes, yes and yes |
Describe yourself in 4 words:: | Funny, quirky, passionate, giving |
Describe your perfect mate in 4 words:: | Funny, smart, passionate, strong |
Name 4 places you have lived:: | My parents' house, college dorm, my apartment, my parents' which is now my house |
Name four occupations you have had:: | Cashier, PR & Marketing Assistant, Spa Coordinator, Executive Assistant |
If you could have 3 wishes, what would they be?: | This is undoubtedly going to set me up for failure, so I pass |
Do you miss someone right now?: | Absolutely |
Do you have a crush on someone right now?: | Why not? |
What shoes did you wear today?: | Barefoot so far |
What are you wearing right now?: | Jammies |
What time is it right now?: | 10am |
IF you could vacation any 2 places in the world, where would they be?: | I want to go to Poynton, England and see the Anasazi Indian ruins in Durango, CO |
Name 4 things you'd rather be doing right now?: | Sitting on a beach, sitting in a hot tub, horseback riding, getting a facial |
When was the last time you wrote someone a letter and who was it?: | Not a letter writer via longhand. Hurts my wrists too much |
Who was the last person to write you a letter?: | I get a lot of credit card offers... |
Who was the last person you got an email from?: | Kimmy |
Who was the last person you sent an email to?: | Barry |
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?: | Kimmy |
Who was the last person you kissed?: | Barry |
Who was the last person you hugged?: | Barry |
Who was the last person you said "I Love You" to?: | Barry |
Name 4 places you have been on vacation:: | Charleston, SC; Asheville, NC; Portland, OR; Chicago, IL |
Name your 5 best friends:: | I refuse to hurt the feelings of the 6th person by excluding them |
Coke or Pepsi?: | Pepsi |
Mickey D's or BK?: | Wendy's |
Chinese or Mexican?: | Mexican |
Cats or Dogs?: | Both |
Fish or Birds?: | Neither |
Reptiles or Amphibians?: | Neither |
Early Bird or Night Owl?: | Early Bird |
Winter or Summer?: | Winter |
Spring Break or Christmas Vacation?: | Christmas Vacation |
Hambuger or Cheeseburger?: | Bacon Cheeseburger |
Chocolate or Vanilla?: | Chocolate |
What are you afraid of?: | Landing. Hard. |
What is your mood right now?: | Bored |
Name 4 things you like to do for fun:: | Read, write, try new restaurants, watching movies |
Ever been skinny dipping?: | No, but |
Do you smoke?: | No |
Do you drink?: | No |
Do you believe in love at first sight?: | No, but within an hour of meeting someone I believe you can know if you have a future with them |
Would you rather have 10 aquaintances or 2 close friends?: | 2 close friends |
If you had a child today, what would you name it?: | Jill or Asher |
Do you know the words to The Star Spangled Banner?: | Yes |
Do you like fire?: | Uhm... yes? |
Are you afraid to die?: | I'm afraid of dying in pain |
Do you believe in Heaven and Hell?: | Mostly |
Do you own a cell phone?: | Yes |
Name 4 websites you visit every time you get on a computer:: | CNN.com, IMDB.com, KSDK.com, Google.com |
Where is your computer?: | Family room |
What are you listening to right now?: | Today show |
What is the last CD you got?: | Ledbelly and Robert Johnson |
What is the last gift someone gave you?: | I got an Easter basket |
What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?: | Aw crap... So many people have done wonderful things for me. The most obvious answer is that my Mom defied her doctors after her stroke and lived to take care of me. |
How would your friends describe you?: | Twisted but lovable |
When was the last time you cried?: | I cry a lot. I think a day or two ago when I read/watched the news |
What was the last thing you ate?: | Chips and cheese |
Do you prefer mini blinds, shades, or drapes?: | Shades and drapes |
Do you have any pets?: | I know I answered this earlier |
When was the last time you moved?: | I moved home in 2001 |
Do you get along with your neighbors?: | Mostly |
Are you friends with any of your exes?: | Not any more |
Do you get along better with guys or girls?: | Guys |
How do you want to die?: | Doesn't everyone say "In my sleep"? |
Do you bathe daily?: | Mostly |
Do you prefer baths or showers?: | Showers |
What is your favorite sleeping position?: | On my right side |
Would you prefer to sleep in a warm room or a cold room?: | Cold room with lots of blankets |
Who was the last person who drove you somewhere?: | Barry |
Where was the last palce you drove to?: | I drove to Target last night |
When was the last time you took a "road trip"?: | August 2006 to Chicago |
How many DVDs do you own?: | Over 300 |
How many CDs do you own?: | Less than 50... MP3s now |
What is your favorite radio station?: | 106.5 |
What is your favorite cologne or perfume on someone else?: | Drakkar, Cool Water, Axe body spray |
What is your favorite cologne or perfume?: | Aveda's chakra scent, Bliss |
What is your least favorite smell?: | Cat boxes |
Is it okay for a girl to ask a guy out or should the guy always ask?: | Of course a girl can ask a guy out! |
Do you think the guy should always pay on the first date?: | I think whoever asks the other out needs to pay on the first date |
Where would you go on an ideal date with someone?: | City Museum |
Do you like public displays of affection?: | No |
Would you rahter go to a theater or cuddle on the couch and watch a DVD?: | I love seeing a flick in the theater, but hate everyone else in there |
Do you know what the "door lock" test is?: | Haven't a clue |
When was the last time someone hit on you?: | This question depresses me |
Are you a flirt?: | Oh yes... |
What was the last thing you bought?: | Clothing |
When was the last time you stayed awake for over 24 hours?: | Since an hour of sleep here and there doesn't count, it's been a very long time |
What is the last movie you watched?: | Beowulf and Grendel |
What is the last movie you saw in a theater?: | I Am Legend |
Did you get anything in the mail today?: | Mail hasn't run yet |
Do you have myspace?: | No |
What was the last comment you got on your myspace?: | N/A |
What was the last comment you put on someone's myspace?: | N/A |
If you could have any job in the world what would it be?: | Romance novelist |
If yo could only have one food for the rest of your life what would it be?: | Reese's peanut butter eggs |
What would you do with a million dollars?: | Get out of debt, then invest |
Have you ever been in the hospital?: | Yes |
What is your least favorite food?: | Sausage |
Tell me something I may not know about you?: | I would be a vegetarian if it wasn't so expensive. |
In the last week, has anyone told you a secret?: | No |
Are you straight, gay, or bi?: | Mostly straight, but I can appreciate an attractive woman |
Have you ever dyed your hair?: | Excessively |
What were you doing for a living 9 years ago?: | Working retail |
Who were you with 9 years ago?: | Two guys... Steven and Brian |
Have you gained or lost weight since high school?: | Both |
What was your favorite subject in high school?: | Creative writing |
Were you in any clubs/sports/activities in high school?: | Drama club, but hated it |
What is your favorite number?: | 7 |
Do you have any lucky charms?: | Not that I recall |
Are you superstitious?: | Sort of, but not really |
Do you believe in ghosts?: | I believe they could exist |
What do you think of psychics?: | Generally frauds, but some real ones are out there |
Are you picky about grammar or spelling?: | Yes |
How many keys on your key chain?: | Too many. Need to thin the herd |
How many rings until you answer the phone?: | I try for no more than three |
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?: | Chocolate/Peanut butter |
When did you lose your virginity?: | 19 |
Who was the last relative you talked to?: | My Aunt Fran |
Have you ever aced an exam?: | Not as often as I like, but yes |
What is your most used catch phrase?: | "No worries" and "Pretty" |
What's the best pick-up line you've ever heard?: | Never really got pick-up lines. Either dated friends or it was a mutal decision |
What is the best compliment you have ever heard or received?: | Any compliment is the best compliment |
Do you think you are attractive?: | Usually |
Would you rather take a picture or be in a picture?: | Take |
Number of things in your past that you regret:: | I try to live my life without regrets, but those I have aren't on a list |
What is the craziest thing you have ever done?: | In a whole list of crazy things, how can I claim one as the craziest? |
Do you have any bad habits?: | I'm sure |
Do you have any psychological impairments?: | Not officially, but my friends could tell you about some |
Are you taking any prescription medications?: | Not right now |
How long did it take you to complete this survey?: | Too long |
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